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5 Reasons to Prime Before You Paint

March 16, 2023

If you are getting ready to spruce up a room in your home, you might be thinking, do I need to prime before painting? After all, if the paint is on good we shouldn't need the extra bucket of primer, right?

In truth, applying primer before paint is a key step in the painting process and will make your work go far smoother while giving you a much better final result as well.

What is Primer?

Primer is an undercoat, usually a fast-drying water-based paint layer that goes on thick and forms a strong attachment with the wall without soaking in.

Why Priming is the Worth the Effort:

  1. Priming Evens Out your Surface

A good layer of primer covers up and disguises imperfections or unwanted texture in your wall or project surface. These can be features like scuffs, sanded repair patches, or wood grain—which would otherwise be obvious and evident underneath your paint layer.

  1. Priming Blocks Color Bleed

If you’re painting a dark surface with a light color, or the surface has stains or discoloration, priming provides a thick layer to block out that color so the paint that goes on overtop is smooth and uniform.

  1. Priming Enhances Paint Color

Not only does the primer block discoloration coming from below the paint layer, it helps the paint you put overtop retain its bright color for far longer before fading.

  1. Priming makes Painting go Smoother and Faster

While priming is an extra step the primer layer dries very quickly, reducing the delay to the painting process. Once finished, the primed surface is much smoother and more uniform, which helps the actual painting process glide along more smoothly and without interruption. This all results in a more uniform final paint result for you to enjoy.

  1. Primer Bonds and Protects the Paint Layer

Primer is designed to easily bond with hold other paints in place, resisting moisture or physical damage and helping to resist long-term cracking, peeling, or other long-term signs of paint damage—even in challenging conditions.

When is Priming Optional?

  • If your walls are in good condition and the paint is smooth, uniform, and a close match to your new color, priming might not be necessary. However, if the walls are discolored, have blemishes or stains, or are a darker color, priming is a must.
  • If you’re working with brand-new, unpainted wood, metal, or drywall, or you just removed wallpaper or other wall treatments, you should prime before putting down a new coat.
  • When in doubt, play it safe. Priming is a safe and relatively quick step that has real benefits for your paining project.

Remember, if you have questions or need high quality painting supplies in Grand Rapids Michigan, please visit Godwin Hardware. We’d love to hear about your next project and get you the tools and paint you need for great, high quality, lasting results!

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